About Me

I have been writing software for over 10 years; starting in embedded systems and C, and now in web applications. I am currently freelancing as a full-stack engineer, creating lightweight, scalable solutions.
What do you want to build?

Recent Work


I worked at Republic, where anyone can find private investment opportunities in any industry they find passion!


I worked on CPAP.com, an ecommerce site built on Vue with a Magento back-end.


The Story Houston Website

Solo freelance job I completed in 2019 and currently maintain. Built on Wordpress, with custom plugins and endpoints.

Projects and Open source

Snowflake Buddy

Atom package I published to support the Snowflake CSS strategy. Includes autocomplete, tracking, highlighting, and generator.

SpaceRace Adventure

Arcade-style game my team developed. Includes WebSockets for live multi-player experience. Redux for state management. Play it now!

Go, Go, Bananas

Fun falling object game built with React & Redux.

Interactive Calculator

Basic calulator written using React & Redux. Wrote this for a 2 hour Hackathon challenge.

Express Expense

Simplified expense tracker with reimbursment reporting. Developed with React and Express.

Contact Me

To find out more about my experience and interests, please reach out by .